Writing performant Java software often means controlling allocation patterns to prevent garbage collection. For example, a program for processing financial FIX messages in real-time might use a fixed buffer to avoid allocations altogether.
In many cases, it's easy to determine whether or not code allocates memory. However, manually verifying allocation patterns becomes more difficult when method calls and method overriding are involved.
This post describes how to build an effect system to automatically enforce allocation patterns. If you've programmed in Java before, you've used an effect system: checked exceptions are an effect system.
Effect Systems
Unlike type systems, which indicate which type(s) an expression may
have, effect systems indicate which effect(s) a statement or block
may have. For example, the following method has the effect that it
may throw a FileNotFoundException
public void maybeThrow() throws FileNotFoundException { ... }
The method above may throw the exception — or it may not. It's perfectly legal to annotate an empty method as potentially throwing an exception!
The compiler enforces that the caller of a method either: (1)
handles the exception with a catch
block, or (2) declares that it
might also throw the exception (or a supertype of the exception).
Enforcing Allocation Patterns
For enforcing allocation patterns, we'd like to do something similar. The developer should be able to annotate which methods may allocate memory. Fortunately, the ability to define method annotations has existed since Java 1.5:
public void mayAlloc(...) { ... }
More interestingly, the developer should be able to annotate which methods should not allocate memory:
public void safeMethod(...) { ... }
Based on these annotations, we'd like the compiler to check that no
method marked as @NoAlloc
ever (1) itself allocates memory, or (2)
calls a method that directly or indirectly allocates memory.
To make the compiler perform these checks, we'll use the Checker Framework, a tool for defining custom Java type systems. It's designed to take advantage of the new Type Annotations feature in Java 8. However, to implement a basic allocation effect system, we'll just use method annotations.
The full checker implementation is available on GitHub.
Defining Annotations
First we'll define the annotations @MayAlloc
and @NoAlloc
that the
developer can write on method declarations:
public @interface MayAlloc { }
public @interface NoAlloc { }
Since we're using the Checker Framework, we also have to define a type
annotation for the default checker to process. For our checker, we'll
just define a type annotation @EffectType
that we'll tell the
Checker Framework to apply everywhere:
@DefaultQualifierInHierarchy // Apply the annotation automatically
@SubtypeOf({}) // The annotation is not related to anything else
@ImplicitFor(trees = { Tree.Kind.NULL_LITERAL })
@Target({ ElementType.TYPE_USE, ElementType.TYPE_PARAMETER })
public @interface EffectType { }
For some effect systems, it is beneficial to define additional type annotations. See the Checker Framework's GUI Effect Checker as an example.
Creating a Checker
Now that we've defined our annotations, we can define a checker AllocEffect
@TypeQualifiers({ EffectType.class }) // Don't list the method annotations
public class AllocEffectChecker extends BaseTypeChecker { }
Every checker has two main parts. The Type Factory populates
annotations on methods and types. The Visitor checks that the
annotations are consistent, and that the code is consistent with
the annotations. Using the Checker Framework naming convention, the
type factory and visitor for our checker will be called
and AllocEffectVisitor
, respectively.
The Annotation Factory
The AllocEffectTypeFactory
will compute annotations for methods that
don't have developer-written annotations. Our factory will follow two
If a method is unannotated, add the
annotation. -
If an unannotated method overrides another method, inherit the annotation(s) from the overridden methods. If the developer writes a
annotation on a method overridding a method declared as@NoAlloc
, emit a warning.
To enforce the second rule, we'll have the checker compute the range of effects each method can have based on the Java type hierarchy. Computing a range is overkill for an effect system with just 2 effects, but it provides a good basis for adding new features to the checker.
To define a range of effects, we have to define the relationship
between each effect. Typically we'll use a hierarchy, just like in the
standard Java type system. The two effects @NoAlloc
and @MayAlloc
have the following subtyping relation:

There's two ways to think about this. First, the set of methods that
may or may not allocate memory must be a superset of the methods
which may not allocate memory. Conversely, the @NoAlloc
provides a strictly stronger guarantee than the @MayAlloc
To check whether an operation (e.g., method call) is valid, we'll use
a method checkEffect
to check whether the operation's effect is a
subtype of the effect of the method it's being called from. If not,
we'll have Check Framework emit a warning:
public void checkEffect(Effect callerEffect, Effect targetEffect, Tree node) {
if (targetEffect.compareTo(callerEffect) > 0) {
// The target effect is a supertype of the effect of the enclosing method
// The message call.invalid.alloc is defined in a .properties file
checker.report(Result.failure("call.invalid.alloc", targetEffect, callerEffect),
The Annotation Checker
Now that each method has an annotation, we'll define a checker
to enforce the annotations. There are three rules
we want to enforce:
If a method with a
annotation uses thenew
operator, emit a warning. -
If a method with a
annotation calls a method with the@MayAlloc
annotation, emit a warning. -
If the developer has written both
on a method, emit a warning.
Using these rules, it's always safe for a method to call another
method that has the @NoAlloc
The Checker Framework's visitor implementation, BaseTypeVisitor
recursively visits each node in the program's Abstract Syntax Tree. To
enforce the first rule, we'll override the visitNewArray
visitor methods. Our implementation will
check that the enclosing method has the @MayAlloc
public Void visitNewArray(NewArrayTree node, Void p) {
// The 'new' operator is just like a method that has a @MayAlloc annotation
Effect targetEffect = new Effect(MayAlloc.class);
// Get the annotation for the enclosing method
MethodTree callerTree = TreeUtils.enclosingMethod(getCurrentPath());
ExecutableElement callerElt = TreeUtils.elementFromDeclaration(callerTree);
// Make sure the two effects are consistent. That is, that target
// effect is a subtype of the calling effect. Because the
// targetEffect is @MayAlloc, this checks that the method
// annotation is @MayAlloc too.
checkEffect(callerEffect, targetEffect, node);
return super.visitNewArray(node, p);
To enforce the second rule, we'll override the visitMethodInvocation
method. The implementation is the same, except we use the effect of
the method being called:
public Void visitMethodInvocation(MethodInvocationTree node, Void p) {
// Get the annotation for the method being called
ExecutableElement methodElt = TreeUtils.elementFromUse(node);
Effect targetEffect = atypeFactory.getDeclaredEffect(methodElt);
// ... same as for visitNewArray(...)
To enforce the third rule, we'll override the visitMethod
method to
report an error if a method has both a @MayAlloc
and @NoAlloc
public Void visitMethod(MethodTree node, Void p) {
ExecutableElement methElt = TreeUtils.elementFromDeclaration(node);
AnnotationMirror mayAlloc = atypeFactory.getDeclAnnotation(methElt, MayAlloc.class);
AnnotationMirror noAlloc = atypeFactory.getDeclAnnotation(methElt, NoAlloc.class);
if (mayAlloc != null && noAlloc != null) {
checker.report(Result.failure("annotations.conflicts"), node);
return super.visitMethod(node, p);
Running the Checker
At this point, we've built a basic checker for memory allocations. You
can download the full implementation on GitHub. To run the checker,
use javac
with the -processor
argument and the checker on the
classpath (setting the classpath with the -cp
flag, as necessary):
javac -processor com.toddschiller.checker.AllocEffectChecker com/toddschiller/experiments/AllocationEffects.java
The implementation on GitHub also supplies a debug mode, which you
can enable by passing the -Alint=debugSpew
flag to the compiler. The
debug mode reports each check performed by the checker.
For the example file AllocationEffects.java
the checker reports 6 warnings. The two assignments
public void shouldWarn() {
int x = mayAllocateMemory(); // an unannotated method
int y = new Integer(3);
are both flagged by the checker:
AllocationEffects.java:42: error: [call.invalid.alloc] Calling a method with MayAlloc effect from a context limited to NoAlloc effects.
int i = new Integer(2);
AllocationEffects.java:56: error: [call.invalid.alloc] Calling a method with MayAlloc effect from a context limited to NoAlloc effects.
int x = mayAllocateMemory();
Improving the Checker
Now that we've implemented a basic checker, there's two important questions to ask:
Can the checker emit a warning even when the program won't allocate memory (false positives)?
More importantly, are there any allocations that the checker will fail to report (false negatives)?
Eliminating False Warnings
The first question is easier to answer — of course! Just like the Java type checker, our checker doesn't consider values or control flow:
public void conditionallyAlloc(boolean alloc) {
if (alloc) doAlloc();
public void noAlloc(){
conditionallyAlloc(false); // WARNING!
Looking at the implementation of conditionallyAlloc
, we ideally
wouldn't get a warning. But, if we were to write an annotation for the
the conditionallyAlloc
method, what would we write? Unfortunately
our vocabulary of just @NoAlloc
and @MayAlloc
is insufficient.
One way to solve the problem would be to let the developer write an
annotation @MayAllocIf("alloc")
, referring to the boolean alloc
parameter. While we could modify the checker to support this
particular annotation, we quickly run into a wall trying to support other
expressions — we'd have to figure out how to verify arbitrary
logic at compile-time!
In this case, a reasonable solution might be to ignore the warning by
adding an @SuppressWarnings("alloceffect")
annotation to the
call to conditionallyAlloc
. ("alloceffect" is the name of the checker in lower-case).
However, in many cases, it is better to refactor the code. Code that a checker can reason about is generally also easier for a human developer to reason about.
Can you think of other cases for which the checker will issue false warnings? Are there common patterns (e.g., the singleton pattern) where it would make sense to introduce special annotations?
Identifying All Allocations
Identifying allocations that the checker will miss is trickier —
are all allocations the result of the new
Ignoring reflection and system calls, the answer appears to be
"yes". However, some uses of new
can be obfuscated. Consider a class
with a static field and a method that accesses that field:
public class AllocOnLoad {
public final static Integer five;
static {
// The static initializer can contain arbitrary code
five = new Integer(5);
public class Other {
public void addFive(int x){
return x + AllocOnLoad.five; // Warning?
When the program runs, if a call to addFive
is the first time the
class if referenced during the execution, the static
initializer will run and memory will be allocated. On all
subsequent calls, no memory will be allocated.
To catch this behavior, the developer would need annotate classes with whether or not their static initializer may allocate memory. The checker could then treat class references similar to method calls.
The problem with this approach is that it would lead to a lot of false positives. A potential solution would be to allow the developer to specify that certain classes have already been loaded when a method is called, à la:
public void addFive(int x) {
return x + AllocOnLoad.five; // Safe!
Implementing such a system would involve introducing an effect system
to track which classes each method loads. The difference is that the
effect system would need to track which classes must have been
loaded. For example, the addFive
method would have the effect
because the method always references
the AllocOnLoad
Writing down which classes a method must load is tedious and error-prone. The developer has to consider all the classes transitively referenced by the method. Therefore, this information would be a good candidate for automatic inference.
Can you think of other cases where the checker would miss an allocation? What happens when you concatenate two strings: str1 + str2?
This post described an effect system for enforcing memory allocation
patterns. We introduced two method annotations, @MayAlloc
, to describe the effect of each method. We then used the
Checker Framework to enforce that no
memory allocations are either directly or indirectly performed by
methods marked as @NoAlloc
For more information about implementing effect systems with the Checker Framework, check out the framework's GUI Effect Checker, which checks for UI threading errors. Unlike the basic checker we built, it makes use of the Checker Framework's type annotation features to support common UI programming idioms.
The source code for the allocation checker is available on GitHub at: https://github.com/twschiller/alloc-effect-checker