Todd Schiller

Machine ✘ Human Intelligence

About Me

I'm the co-founder and CEO of PixieBrix, a platform for everyone to customize and extend the web apps they use most.

Research: I have a PhD in software engineering and programming languages from the University of Washington where I worked with Michael Ernst. My PhD studies were supported by an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship, with additional support provided by a DARPA Grant.

I received my BS and MS in Computer Science from Washington University in St. Louis, where I worked with Aaron Stump, Yixin Chen, and Ron Cytron on dependently-typed languages, machine learning, and action planning.

Service: At the University of Washington, I served two terms as Graduate Student Coordinator on the computer science Graduate Student Committee. At Washington University in St. Louis, I served as co-president of the Washington University Student Investment Fund (WUSIF) and president of the Iota Chapter of the Theta Xi Fraternity.